How many characters are in the longest word from this page?The biggest word that's possible to assemble from this list is 'chemicopharmaceutical', which has 21 characters.
Which word that has 'u' in and ends with 'l' is the most popular word?According to our records, the most popular word in the dictionary that have 'u' in and end with 'l' is 'full'.
What is the best score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words that have 'u' in and end with 'l'?With so many words to choose from, your best choice is 'fuzzball' scoring 31 points.
What is an unique word from this page?The most notable word from this page is 'quintal'. 'Quintal' is defined as "1. A hundredweight, either 112 or 100 pounds, according to the scale used. Cf. Cental. [Sometimes written and pronounced kentle.] 2. A metric measure of weight, being 100,000 grams, or 100 kilograms, equal to 220.46 pounds avoirdupois.", according to the dictionary.
In total, how many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?It is possible to derive 5,504 words with the specified letter combination.