How many letters are in the longest word on this page?The word 'hypersuggestibleness' contains 20 characters.
How many words can you put together using the combination searched for?Overall, it is possible to make 2,353 words.
Is there an example of a word from this page which might be considered as unusual?Ranking as the most strange word on this list is 'smugness'. The standard definition of 'smugness' is as follows: "The quality or state of being smug.".
What's the most popular word with 'ug' in them?The most common word in this list according to our system is 'through', which is actually the 131st most common word in this list.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?With a considerable 2,353 entries, it's best to select 'zugzwang' which scores 31 points in total.