In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get from words that contain 'v' and end in 'r'?With an extensive 1,667 entries, you should pick 'khevzur' scoring 26 points.
What is the biggest word you can make with this list?'Auriculoventricular' contains 19 characters, and is the longest word one could make from the searched for combination.
Which word that has 'v' in and ends with 'r' is the most unique?The most unusual word in this list is 'unvicar'. 'Unvicar' is defined as "To deprive of the position or office a vicar. [R.] Strype.", according to the English dictionary.
How many words are possible to make using this combination of letters?There are 1,667 words available for any word that has 'v' in and ends with 'r'.
Which word that has 'v' in and ends with 'r' is the most popular word?According to our database, the most common word in the dictionary that have 'v' in and end with 'r' is 'over'.