Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?Our system notes that the most common word in the dictionary that have 'w' in and end with 'f' is 'wf'!
How many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?From this page of words that have 'w' in and end with 'f', you have 114 combinations that are available.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are plenty of words to pick from, it's best to select 'throwoff' which scores 20 points.
How many characters does the longest word from this list contain?'twinkleproof' (12 characters)
Which word from this page is the most interesting?Our team thinks 'wakf' to be the most strange word you can construct. 'Wakf' is defined as "The granting or dedication of property in trust for a pious purpose, that is, to some object that tends to the good of mankind, as to support a mosque or caravansary, to provide for support of one's family, kin, or neighbors, to benefit some particular person or persons and afterward...", according to the dictionary.