Which word with 'wu' in them is the most unusual?Arguably one of the most peculiar words from this list is 'swum'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'swum' is defined as "imp. & P. P. Of Swim.".
What's the max number of words you are able to create from words with 'wu' in them?There are up to a maximum of 112 entries using our list of words that include 'wu'.
How many letters does the largest word on this list consist of?The longest word constructed by our team is 'mishikhwutmetunne'. It is made up 17 letters.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are a massive 112 entries, we'd advise selecting 'wuzzling' scoring 30 points.
Which word with 'wu' in them is the most popular word in the dictionary?Ranking as the 4443rd most common word, you'll want to ensure that you've got 'swung' memorized.