Words that contain 'y' and end in 'u'

The database has found 38 entries.

3 letter words

  • ayu
  • you
  • kyu

4 letter words

  • yabu
  • yaru
  • yutu
  • vayu

5 letter words

  • ayllu
  • ayuyu
  • bayou
  • boyau
  • coypu
  • noyau
  • poyou
  • royou
  • shoyu

6 letter words

  • allyou
  • aloyau
  • avanyu
  • awanyu
  • coypou
  • cubbyu
  • gayyou
  • ynambu
  • kikuyu
  • nylgau
  • ryukyu

7 letter words

  • baycuru
  • chanoyu
  • nylghau
  • tayassu
  • theyaou
  • uaraycu

8 letter words

  • guaycuru
  • pyengadu
  • thankyou

9 letter words

  • doubleyou

11 letter words

  • chinchasuyu

In total, how many words are there using the combination specified?
All in all, there are up to 38 words.

How many characters are in the longest word from this list?
Try 'chinchasuyu'

In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score you can get from this list of words containing 'y' and ending with 'u'?
It is possible to make 'thankyou' scoring 18 points in Scrabble.

Which word that has 'y' in and ends with 'u' is the most interesting?
Ranking as our favorite unusual word on this list is 'nylgau'. The popular definition of 'nylgau' is as follows: "A large Asiatic antelope (Boselaphus, or Portax, tragocamelus), found in Northern India. It has short horns, a black mane, and a bunch of long hair on the throat. The general color is grayish brown. [Written also neelghau, nilgau, and nylghaie.]".

Which word on this page stands out as the most popular?
Our database notes that the most popular word in the dictionary that have 'y' in and end with 'u' is 'you'.