What is the most common word with 'yb' in them in the dictionary?A well-known word for the combination you searched is 'everybody'.
What's the longest word you can create from words with 'yb' in them?The word 'platybrachycephalous' has 20 characters.
What is a peculiar word from all the combinations possible ?Ranking as our favorite weird word on this list is 'keyboard'. The general definition of 'keyboard' is as follows: "The whole arrangement, or one range, of the keys of an organ, typewriter, etc.".
In total, how many words are possible to make using the combination requested?From this page of words containing 'yb', there are 475 fantastic combinations which are possible.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?Considering the range of words to choose from, your best bet is 'lazyback' which scores 28 points overall.