Which word from this list consists the highest number of letters?The longest word is 19 characters, which is 'uncrystallizability'.
Is there a distinct word from this page which could be thought of as interesting?The most unusual word from this list is 'hazy'. According to the English dictionary, 'hazy' means "1. Thick with haze; somewhat obscured with haze; not clear or transparent. "A tender, hazy brightness." wordsworth. 2. Obscure; confused; not clear; as, a hazy argument; a hazy intellect. Mrs. Gore.".
What is the total number of words you are able to construct from this list?There are 463 words all in all.
Which word that has 'z' in and ends with 'y' is the most common word in the dictionary?The most well-known word for the combination you requested is 'crazy'.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With the amount of words to decide on, you may want to try 'quizzify' which scores 41 points in total.