What is the highest possible score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words starting with 'can' that contain 'm'?For a score of 16 points in Scrabble, it is possible to use 'canmaker'.
Which word on this page is the most common?Ranking as the 60099th most popular word, you'll want to make sure you've got 'cannibalism' written down.
How many words are there using the combination requested?It is possible to derive 41 words from the combination you asked for.
What is the most interesting word that starts with 'can' and includes 'm'?There are several strange words in this list, having said that our favorite word at the moment is 'cankerworm'. It means "The larva of two species of geometrid moths which are very injurious to fruit and shade trees by eating, and often entirely destroying, the foliage. Other similar larvæ are also called cankerworms. Note: The autumnal species (Anisopteryx pometaria) becomes adult late in autumn (after frosts) and in winter. The spring...".
What's the longest word you can assemble from this list?The word 'canterburianism' contains 15 characters.