Which word on this page sticks out as the most common?The most common word in this list according to our database is 'embarked', which happens to be the 9378th most common word in the dictionary.
Which word in particular on this page has the largest letter count?'Electrokinematics' is the longest word that veryceleb could find, containing 17 characters
What's the max number of words you can make using this combination of letters?From this page of words that start with 'e' and include 'k', there are 275 unique entries which are available in total.
What's a strange word from all the word combinations available on this list?You'll note numerous strange words in this list, however our favorite word at the moment is 'ekaboron'. The dictionary defines it as "The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium.".
In Scrabble, what is the most points possible from this list of words starting with 'e' that contain 'k'?As there are loads of words to select from, we'd recommend selecting 'equivoke' which scores 24 points.