In total, how many words are available using the combination requested?There are up to 5,926 words.
Is there any word on this page that stands out as the most common?According to our records, the most common word that start with 'f' and include 'a' is 'face'.
What is the best score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words starting with 'f' that contain 'a'?Since there are a vast 5,926 entries, we would suggest choosing 'fuzzball' which scores 31 points in total.
What is an interesting word from this list?The most notable word based on expert analysis is 'flatlong'. The accepted definition of 'flatlong' is as follows: "; 115), adv. With the flat side downward; not edgewise. Shak.".
How many letters does the largest word on this list consist of?There are 24 characters in the word 'formaldehydesulphoxylate', making it the largest word veryceleb has.