Words that start with 'f' and contain 'ok'

For words that start with 'f' and contain 'ok', there are 26 results to go with.

5 letter words

  • flook

6 letter words

  • fokker
  • frokin

7 letter words

  • flybook
  • flokite
  • flookan
  • forsook

8 letter words

  • fanaloka
  • fishhook
  • foothook
  • forehook
  • forelook
  • forspoke

9 letter words

  • fishhooks
  • fleshhook
  • forespoke
  • foretoken
  • forspoken

10 letter words

  • fingerhook
  • forespoken
  • foretokens
  • frithsoken

11 letter words

  • foretokened

12 letter words

  • foretokening
  • fructokinase

13 letter words

  • fibrinokinase

In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points possible from this list of words that start with 'f' and contain 'ok'?
It is possible to make 'fishhook' scoring 21 points.

Is there any word on this page that jumps out as the most common?
Our database says the most popular word that start with 'f' and include 'ok' is 'forsook'!

Which word that starts with 'f' and includes 'ok' is the most unusual?
Standing as the most unusual word on this list is 'foretoken'. 'Foretoken''s definition is "Prognostic; previous omen. Sir P. Sidney. To foreshow; to presignify; to prognosticate. Whilst strange prodigious signs foretoken blood. Daniel.", according to the English dictionary.

What's the maximum number of words one is able to construct using words that start with 'f' and include 'ok'?
One could create 26 words with this combination.

Which word from this list contains the highest number of letters?
There are 13 characters in the word 'fibrinokinase', which makes it the longest word veryceleb has.