Which is the most unique word from this page?You'll note many weird words on this page, albeit our favorite word at the moment is 'fascine'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'fascine' is defined as "A cylindrical bundle of small sticks of wood, bound together, used in raising batteries, filling ditches, strengthening ramparts, and making parapets; also in revetments for river banks, and in mats for dams, jetties, etc.".
How many possible words can you make using these particular combinations of letters?On this page of words starting with 'f' that contain 's', there are 5,124 brilliant entries that are available altogether.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?With a sizeable 5,124 entries, we would recommend picking 'fizziest' scoring 29 points overall.
Which word in particular on this page consists the highest number of characters?'formaldehydesulphoxylate'.
What's the most common word that starts with 'f' and includes 's' in the dictionary?The most popular word is 'first', which is actually the 106th most common word in this list.