How many characters does the biggest word on this list contain?The longest word is 28 letters, which is 'hydroxydehydrocorticosterone'.
In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get from this list of words starting with 'h' that contain 'c'?Given there are a vast 3,524 entries, we would suggest selecting 'highjack' scoring 28 points.
In total, how many words are there using these specific combinations of letters?From this list of words that start with 'h' and contain 'c', you have 3,524 combinations which are available overall.
Which word from this list is the most unusual?Arguably one of the most strange words from this page is 'hypocaust'. The dictionary defines it as "A furnace, esp. One connected with a series of small chambers and flues of tiles or other masonry through which the heat of a fire was distributed to rooms above. This contrivance, first used in bath, was afterwards adopted in private houses.".
Which word on this page sticks out as the most popular?Our database notes that the most common word in the dictionary that start with 'h' and include 'c' is 'hence'.