What is the longest word you can create from the combination specified?The longest word you could construct from this list is 'hydroxydehydrocorticosterone', which is made up of 28 characters.
Which word that starts with 'h' and includes 'h' is the most interesting?One of the most stand out words from this list is 'hysteranthous'. The dictionary defines it as "Having the leaves expand after the flowers have opened. Henslow.".
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are a myriad of words to select from, your best bet is 'huzzahed' scoring 33 points.
What's the total number of words one is able to put together using this combination of letters?On this list of words that start with 'h' and include 'h', there are 2,777 amazing combinations that can be selected.
What is the most common word that starts with 'h' and includes 'h' in the dictionary?Our database reveals the most popular word that start with 'h' and include 'h' is 'high'!