How many words are possible to make from this list?There are a maximum of 3,924 entries for this page.
What is the most common word that starts with 'h' and includes 'p' in the dictionary?As far as well-known words go, there's 'hope', which ranks as the 403rd most common word.
How many letters are in the longest word from this page?The longest word you can assemble from the specified combination is 'hematospectrophotometer', and it is made up of 23 characters.
What is the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'h' and contain 'p'?Since there are a plethora of words to decide on, your best option is to go for 'hypozoic' which scores 27 points in total.
What's an interesting word from all the word combinations possible ?One of the most weird words from this page is 'hemautography'. The dictionary defines it as "The obtaining of a curve similar to a pulse curve or sphygmogram by allowing the blood from a divided artery to strike against a piece of paper.".