How many words can you put together using this combination of letters?It is possible to derive 501 words from the combination you specified.
What's the most popular word that starts with 'j' and includes 'g'?The most well-known word is 'judge', which is in fact the 1421st most popular word in this list.
Is there a word from this page which might be deemed as unique?You'll notice a handful of weird words on this page, albeit our favorite word right now is 'judgment'. It means "1. The act of judging; the operation of the mind, involving comparison and discrimination, by which a knowledge of the values and relations of thins, whether of moral qualities, intellectual concepts, logical propositions, or material facts, is obtained; as, by careful judgment he avoided the peril; by a series of...".
What's the highest score you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'j' and contain 'g'?With the enormous number of words to decide on, you'll want to pick 'jazzing' scoring 33 points.
What is the longest word you can make with this list?The largest word on this page is 'jungermanniaceous', and consists of 17 letters