In Scrabble, what's the most points you can get using words that start with 'l' and contain 'h'?With the number of words to decide on, we'd suggest choosing 'lazyship' which scores 25 points overall.
Which word on this page is the most common?We've discovered that 'light' is the 311th most common word.
How many letters does the longest word from this page contain?The word 'laparocolpohysterotomy' has 22 characters.
What's a strange word from all the word combos possible ?Veryceleb thinks 'lordship' to be the most strange word you can assemble. 'Lordship' is defined as "1. The state or condition of being a lord; hence (with his or your), a title applied to a lord (except an archbishop or duke, who is called Grace) or a judge (in Great Britain), etc. 2. Seigniory; domain; the territory over which a lord holds jurisdiction; a manor. What...", according to the dictionary.
How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?You can pick from a maximum of 1,788 entries using our list of words starting with 'l' that contain 'h'.