How many characters are in the longest word from this list?'Meningoencephalocele' is made up of 20 characters, and is the longest word one could make from this combination.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the requested combination ?As there are an extensive 186 entries, we would advise selecting 'menarche' scoring 15 points overall.
What's the most popular word that starts with 'men' and includes 'a' in the dictionary?The most common word is 'mental', which is in fact the 2322nd most popular word in this list.
What is the max number of words one can assemble from words that start with 'men' and include 'a'?It's possible to create 186 words using the specified combination.
What is an example of a unusual word from this page?The most interesting word in this list is 'meningeal'. According to the English dictionary, 'meningeal' means "Of or pertaining to the meninges.".