Which word on this page is the most common?The most common word in the dictionary according to our system is 'picturesque', which is actually the 5047th most popular word in the dictionary.
How many characters does the biggest word on this list contain?The longest word one can derive from the combination specified is 'phenanthrenequinone', which is made up of 19 characters.
In total, how many words can one make using this combination of letters?There are a maximum of 256 entries.
What's the highest score you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'p' and include 'q'?As there are heaps of words to decide on, you should try 'physique' which scores 25 points in total.
What is a strange word from all the word combinations available on this list?The most stand out word from this page is surely 'physique'. The definition of 'physique' is as follows: "The natural constitution, or physical structure, of a person. With his white hair and splendid physique. Mrs. Stowe.". Credit to the Oxford Dictionary.