In Scrabble, what's the most points possible using this list of words starting with 'q' that contain 'r'?With a considerable 837 entries, it's best to go for 'quizzery' which scores 38 points overall.
What is the most common word that starts with 'q' and includes 'r' in the dictionary?Our system reveals the most popular word that start with 'q' and include 'r' is 'quarter'.
How many letters are in the largest word from this page?The largest word that's possible to assemble from this list is 'quattuordecillionth', which consists of 19 characters.
How many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?From this list of words that start with 'q' and include 'r', there are 837 brilliant combinations that are available.
What's an unusual word from all the combinations possible ?We consider 'quebracho' to be the most weird word you can construct. It is defined as "A Chilian apocynaceous tree (Aspidosperma Quebracho); also, its bark, which is used as a febrifuge, and for dyspnoea of the lung, or bronchial diseases; -- called also white quebracho, to distinguish it from the red quebracho, a Mexican anacardiaceous tree (Loxopterygium Lorentzii) whose bark is said to have similar properties....".