What's an unusual word from the combinations possible ?Ranking as our favorite peculiar word on this list is 'thirstily'. 'Thirstily''s definition is "In a thirsty manner.", according to the English dictionary.
How many characters are in the longest word on this page?'Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine' is made up of 29 letters, and is the biggest word you can make from the combination specified.
What's the maximum number of words you're able to make from this list?You can select up to a maximum of 5,440 entries.
What is the most popular word for this page?We can confirm that 'the' is the 1st most common word.
What's the highest score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 't' and include 'h'?Given there are a massive 5,440 entries, your best bet is 'tzitzith' scoring 29 points overall.