Words that start with 'v' and contain 'mb'

For words starting with 'v' that contain 'mb', there are 9 entries to pick from.

7 letter words

  • vazimba

8 letter words

  • vambrace
  • vambrash
  • vombatid

9 letter words

  • vambraced
  • vambraces

12 letter words

  • vallombrosan

13 letter words

  • ventricumbent
  • vraisemblance

How many characters are in the largest word on this list?
The word 'ventricumbent' has 13 characters.

How many possible words can you make using this combination of letters?
On this page of words starting with 'v' that contain 'mb', you have 9 brilliant combinations which are possible.

What word from this page is the most interesting?
Veryceleb considers 'vambrace' to be the most peculiar word you can put together. The common definition of 'vambrace' is as follows: "The piece designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist.". Credit goes to Cambridge Dictionary.

Is there a word on this page that sticks out as the most common?
'Vraisemblance' is the most popular word from this page, ranked 98905th most common word.

What's the highest score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'v' and contain 'mb'?
We suggest using 'vazimba' for a score of 23 points.