How many viable words could one make from this list?All in all, it is possible to make up to 2,547 words.
What's the most common word on this page?The most common word in this list is 'when', which happens to be the 53rd most popular word in this list.
Which word in particular on this page has the highest character count?The longest word is 19 characters long, which is 'westnorthwestwardly'.
Which is the most unusual word that starts with 'w' and includes 'n'?You can find a number of peculiar words on this page, although our favorite word happens to be 'whirlwind'. The accepted definition of 'whirlwind' is as follows: "1. A violent windstorm of limited extent, as the tornado, characterized by an inward spiral motion of the air with an upward current in the center; a vortex of air. It usually has a rapid progressive motion. The swift dark whirlwind that uproots the woods. And drowns the villages. Bryant....". Credit goes to Oxford Dictionary.
In Scrabble, what is the best score possible from words starting with 'w' that contain 'n'?Considering the diverse range of words to choose from, we would recommend going for 'whizzing' which scores 33 points.