What's the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 'x' and contain 'u'?It is possible to make 'xicaque' which gets 25 points in Scrabble.
How many words can you put together using the combination specified?Altogether, it is possible to make exactly 75 words.
How many letters are in the longest word from this page?The largest word found by veryceleb is 'xantholeucophore'. It has 16 characters.
What is an unusual word from this list?'Xanthium' definitely stands as the most strange word in our list of words that start with 'x' and include 'u'. According to the dictionary, 'xanthium' is defined as "A genus of composite plants in which the scales of the involucre are united so as to form a kind of bur; cocklebur; clotbur.".