Which word from this list has the highest letter count?The largest word is 15 letters long, which is 'yohimbinization'.
Which word that starts with 'y' and includes 'i' is the most popular word?Ranking as the 3241st most common word, you will want to ensure that you have 'yield' in your repertoire.
Is there a specific word from this page which might be deemed as unusual?One example of an uncommon word from this list is 'yorkshire'. The definition of 'yorkshire' is as follows: "A county in the north of England. Yorkshire grit, a kind of stone used for polishing marble, and copperplates for engravers. Simmonds. -- Yorkshire pudding, a batter pudding baked under meat.". Credit to the Cambridge Dictionary.
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points possible from words that start with 'y' and include 'i'?As there are a vast 370 entries, we'd advise choosing 'yahrzeit' scoring 23 points in total.
What is the maximum number of words you could create using words that start with 'y' and include 'i'?There are 370 words you could use for words that start with 'y' and include 'i'.