Which word that starts with 'z' and includes 'l' is the most popular word in the dictionary?A popular word for your request is 'zeal'.
How many words can you make using the specified combination?There are 359 entries using our list of words that start with 'z' and contain 'l'.
What is the highest possible score you can get in Scrabble using this list of words starting with 'z' that contain 'l'?As there are plenty of words to choose from, your best bet is to consider 'zizzling' which scores 36 points in total.
What is an example of a unique word from this list?The most strange word from this list is certainly 'zilla'. The dictionary defines it as "A low, thorny, suffrutescent, crucifeous plant (Zilla myagroides) found in the deserts of Egypt. Its leaves are boiled in water, and eaten, by the Arabs.".
Which word from this list contains the largest number of characters?The longest word that's possible to assemble from this list is 'zoologicoarchaeologist', and it consists of 22 characters.