How many letters are in the longest word from this page?'zygomaticosphenoid', consisting of 18 letters.
How many words are there using this combination of letters?Up to 567 words!
What's the highest possible score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 'z' and contain 'n'?With so many words from which to select, we'd recommend going for 'zizzling' which scores 36 points in total.
What's a weird word from the combinations available on this list?Standing as our favorite peculiar word on this page is 'zingel'. 'Zingel' is defined as "A small, edible, freshwater European perch (Aspro zingel), having a round, elongated body and prominent snout.", according to the English dictionary.
What's the most popular word for this page?According to our database, the most popular word that start with 'z' and include 'n' is 'zone'.