Words that start with 'z' and contain 'q'

Overall there are 7 words that are possible to use from the dictionary for this search.

5 letter words

  • zaque
  • zoque

6 letter words

  • zaqqum
  • zequin
  • zindiq

7 letter words

  • zoquean

9 letter words

  • zolaesque

Is there an example of a word from this page of word that starts with 'z' and includes 'q' that could be considered as unique?
We consider 'zequin' to be the most weird word you can put together. 'Zequin' is defined as "See Sequin.", according to the dictionary.

How many words could one put together using the combination you've searched for?
From this page of words starting with 'z' that contain 'q', you have 7 effective combinations which can be selected.

How many letters are in the longest word from this list?
'zolaesque', consisting of 9 characters.

In Scrabble, what's the highest score you can get using this list of words that start with 'z' and include 'q'?
It is possible to make 'zaqqum' for a total score of 35 points in Scrabble.