In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get from this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'a' and 4th letter is 'f'?As there are a sizeable 534 entries, you'll want to try 'kaffiyeh' scoring 24 points in total.
How many characters does the biggest word on this page consist of?The word 'daffadowndillies' has 16 characters.
What is an interesting word from all the word combos possible ?You'll note numerous weird words in this list, however our favorite word happens to be 'jawfoot'. 'Jawfoot''s definition is "See Maxilliped.", according to the dictionary.
How many words can you make from this list?Up to 534 words!
Which word where the 2nd letter is 'a' and 4th letter is 'f' is the most common word in the dictionary?There's 'half' which ranks as the 333rd most popular word.