Is there an example word from this page which could be thought of as unusual?Standing as our favorite strange word on this page is 'obedience'. 'Obedience' is defined as "1. The act of obeying, or the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority; subjection to rightful restraint or control. Government must compel the obedience of individuals. Ames. 2. Words or actions denoting submission to authority; dutifulness. Shak. 3. (Eccl.) (a) A following; a body...", according to the dictionary.
What is the highest score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words where 'b' is the 2nd letter and 'e' is the 3rd letter?As there are an enormous 173 entries, we'd advise choosing 'obelized' scoring 20 points.
How many words is it possible to make using these particular combinations of letters?Up to 173 words!
Which word on this page has the largest letter count?The largest word that's possible to assemble from this combination is 'obedientialness', which contains 15 characters.
Is there any word on this page that jumps out as the most common?A common word for your search is 'obey'.