What's the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble from this list of words where the third letter is 'b' and fifth letter is 'i'?With countless words to select from, we'd advise picking 'fabrique' which scores 22 points in total.
In total, how many words are possible to make using this combination of letters?From this list of words where the third letter is 'b' and fifth letter is 'i', you have 1,179 combinations that are possible in total.
How many letters does the longest word on this list consist of?'Biblicopsychological'
Is there a word on this page that stands out as the most common?We've discovered that 'public' is the 334th most common word.
What is the most unusual word from this page?The most weird word in this list is 'fabrication'. The definition of 'fabrication' is as follows: "1. The act of fabricating, framing, or constructing; construction; manufacture; as, the fabrication of a bridge, a church, or a government. Burke. 2. That which is fabricated; a falsehood; as, the story is doubtless a fabrication. Syn. -- See Fiction.".