Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most popular?The most well-known word for your request is 'madman'.
Which word from this list contains the largest number of characters?There are 13 letters in the word 'godmotherhood', making it the longest word on this page.
Is there an example word from this page which could be thought of as unusual?Certainly one of the most strange words from this page is 'dodman'. It is defined as "1. A snail; also, a snail shell; a hodmandod. [Obs. Or Prov. Eng.] Nares. 2. (Zoöl.) Any shellfish which casts its shell, as a lobster. [Prov. Eng.]".
What is the maximum number of words you are able to create using this list?One can make 88 words using this list.
In Scrabble, what is the highest number of points possible from this list of words that have 'd' as the third letter and 'm' as fourth letter?You could make 'wadmaker' for a total score of 18 in Scrabble.