What's a peculiar word from the combinations possible on this page?By far the most unusual word in this list is 'cudweed'. According to the dictionary, 'cudweed' means "A small composite plant with cottony or silky stem and leaves, primarily a species of Gnaphalium, but the name is now given to many plants of different genera, as Filago, antennaria, etc.; cottonweed.".
How many letters are in the largest word on this list?'Indwellingness'
What is the total number of words you're able to assemble using this combination of letters?You could create 96 words from the specified combination.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble you can play for ?From this particular combination, it is possible to make 'midwatch' which gets 19 points in Scrabble.
What is the most common word where the third letter is 'd' and fourth letter is 'w' in the dictionary?Rating as the 16452nd most popular word, you will want to ensure that you've got 'midway' memorized.