What is the most common word for this page?We can verify that 'return' is the 434th most common word.
Is there an example of a particular word from this page which might be deemed as unusual?'Beautify' definitely stands as the most peculiar word from our list of words where the 2nd letter is 'e' and 4th letter is 'u'. According to the English dictionary, 'beautify' is defined as "To make or render beautiful; to add beauty to; to adorn; to deck; to grace; to embellish. The arts that beautify and polish life. Burke. Syn. -- To adorn; grace; ornament; deck; decorate. To become beautiful; to advance in beauty. Addison.".
How many words are possible to make using these specific combinations of letters?2,382
In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get using this list of words where 'e' is the second letter and 'u' is the fourth letter?Since there are an extensive 2,382 entries, your best bet is to choose 'mezuzahs' scoring 31 points in total.
What is the longest word you can assemble using the combination searched for?The biggest word assembled by veryceleb is 'defunctionalization'. It has 19 letters.