What is the largest word you can derive with words where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'f'?The longest word that's possible to assemble from this combination is 'ineffervescibility', and it consists of 18 characters.
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get using this list of words where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'f'?As there are an extensive 446 entries, you may want to select 'prefroze' which scores 22 points.
What is the most common word on this page?Our database notes that the most common word where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'f' is 'useful'!
In total, how many words is it possible to make using these particular combinations of letters?You can go with up to 446 entries addressing your query.
What word from this page is the most unique?You can uncover a handful of peculiar words on this page, albeit our favorite is 'inefficiency'. 'Inefficiency' is defined as "The quality of being inefficient; want of power or energy sufficient; want of power or energy sufficient for the desired effect; inefficacy; incapacity; as, he was discharged from his position for inefficiency.", according to the English dictionary.