What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words that have 'e' as the 3rd letter and 'g' as 5th letter?Since there are an enormous 503 entries, we would recommend picking 'overgaze' scoring 21 points.
What is an interesting word from this page?Undoubtedly one of the most stand out words from this list is 'energy'. The definition of 'energy' is as follows: "1. Internal or inherent power; capacity of acting, operating, or producing an effect, whether exerted or not; as, men possessing energies may suffer them to lie inactive. The great energies of nature are known to us only by their effects. Paley. 2. Power efficiently and forcibly exerted; vigorous or effectual...".
Which word in particular on this page is made up of the highest number of characters?The longest word is 21 letters, which is 'overgesticulativeness'.
How many words are there using this combination of letters?You can pick from up to a maximum of 503 entries addressing your query.
Is there any word on this page that sticks out as the most common?As far as well-known words go, there's 'energy', which is the 2416th most popular word.