What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the requested combination ?Our recommendation for a score of 28 points is the word 'muezzins'.
How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?Overall, you'll find 52 words.
What is the largest word you can create from words where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'z'?The longest word on this list is 'piezocrystallization', and consists of 20 letters
Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most popular?According to our database, the most popular word in the dictionary where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'z' is 'chez'.
Is there an example word from this page that could be thought of as unique in any regard?'Piezometer' is definitely the most unusual word from our list of words where the third letter is 'e' and fourth letter is 'z'. The definition of 'piezometer' is as follows: "1. (Physics) An instrument for measuring the compressibility of liquids. 2. (Physics) A gauge connected with a water main to show the pressure at that point.". Credit to the Oxford Dictionary.