Words that have 'f' as the second letter and 'w' as fifth letter

Only 3 entries has been discovered by our databases.

5 letter words

  • aflow

6 letter words

  • afrown

7 letter words

  • aflower

What's the highest possible score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words where the second letter is 'f' and fifth letter is 'w'?
Given that only offered, the only word you can go for is 'aflower' scoring 13 points.

What is an unusual word from all the combinations available ?
You can choose many unusual words in this list, although our favorite word is 'aflow'. The dictionary defines it as "Flowing. Their founts aflow with tears. R. Browning.".

Which word from this list has the highest character count?
There are 7 letters in the word 'aflower', making it the largest word we have.

What's the maximum number of words one can put together using this combination of letters?
It is possible to create 3 words using the specified letter combination.