In Scrabble, what's the most points you can get from words that have 'f' as the 3rd letter and 'b' as 5th letter?You can make 'puffback' for a total of 24 points in Scrabble.
What's the most common word on this page?A well-known word for the combination you searched is 'affable'.
What's an interesting word on this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'f' and 5th letter is 'b'?Veryceleb considers 'lifeboat' to be the most interesting word you can throw together. It is defined as "A strong, buoyant boat especially designed for saving the lives of shipwrecked people.".
How many actual words can you make using the combination you've searched for?It is possible to make 61 words from the specified letter combination.
How many letters does the largest word from this list contain?'Defibrillating' is made up of 14 letters, and is the biggest word you could make from the searched for combination.