Which word where the third letter is 'f' and fifth letter is 'l' is the most popular word in the dictionary?The most well-known word for the combination you searched is 'awful'.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?Considering the huge assortment of words to select from, you should try 'wafflike' scoring 21 points.
Which is the most unusual word from this list?One example of a strange word from this list is 'defilement'. The definition of 'defilement' is as follows: "The protection of the interior walls of a fortification from an enfilading fire, as by covering them, or by a high parapet on the exposed side. The act of defiling, or state of being defiled, whether physically or morally; pollution; foulness; dirtiness; uncleanness. Defilements of the flesh. Hopkins. The chaste can...". Credit goes to Oxford Dictionary.
How many characters are in the largest word on this page?The word 'infelicitousness' is made up of 16 characters.
In total, how many words are available using this list?It is possible to make 472 words with the specified letter combination.