How many words could one make using the specified combination?You can pick from up to 976 words covering all combinations.
Which word on this page ranks as the most common?The most common word is 'beginning', which happens to be the 806th most common word in the dictionary.
What's the best score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'g' and 4th letter is 'i'?With an enormous 976 entries, we would suggest selecting 'bogijiab' which scores 20 points overall.
What is an interesting word from this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'g' and 4th letter is 'i'?Standing as the most strange word on this list is 'hagiology'. The standard definition of 'hagiology' is as follows: "The history or description of the sacred writings or of sacred persons; a narrative of the lives of the saints; a catalogue of saints. J. H. Newman.".
Which word in particular from this list consists the largest number of letters?There are 19 characters in the word 'angiocardiographies', which makes it the longest word veryceleb has.