Is there any word on this page that jumps out as the most popular?Our database reveals the most common word in the dictionary where the third letter is 'g' and fifth letter is 'u' is 'vigour'!
What is the biggest word you can make using this list?'Agglutinationist' is the biggest word that veryceleb could construct, which has 16 characters
How many words are possible to put together using words where the 3rd letter is 'g' and 5th letter is 'u'?Overall, you could choose from 214 words.
What is an example of a unusual word where the 3rd letter is 'g' and 5th letter is 'u'?The most strange word in our opinion is 'agglutination'. The traditional definition of 'agglutination' is as follows: "1. The act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance; the state of being thus united; adhesion of parts. 2. (Physiol.) Combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning. See Agglutinative, 2.". Credit goes to Oxford Dictionary.
What's the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'g' is the 3rd letter and 'u' is the 5th letter?Considering the wide range of words to pick from, your best option is 'ziggurat' which scores 19 points.