What is the most common word where the 2nd letter is 'h' and 4th letter is 'r'?The most common word for your request is 'there'.
What is a strange word from this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'h' and 4th letter is 'r'?There are a number of strange words on this page, albeit our favorite is 'sharker'. 'Sharker''s definition is "One who lives by sharking.", according to the English dictionary.
In total, how many words is it possible to make using the combination requested?You could make 2,346 words from the specified letter combination.
What's the longest word you can create from the combination of letters specified?The largest word is 24 characters, which is 'thyroparathyroidectomize'.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the above combination ?Given there are a plethora of words to pick from, it's best to try 'cherchez' which scores 27 points.