What is the longest word you can make from the combination of letters searched for?Try 'chauvinistically'
What's an unusual word on this list of words where the second letter is 'h' and fourth letter is 'u'?You can uncover several weird words on this page, although our favorite is 'thrumwort'. The dictionary defines it as "A kind of amaranth (Amarantus caudatus). Dr. Prior.".
How many words is it possible to make using this list?There are 322 words in total.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?As there are an extensive 322 entries, your best choice is to consider 'zhmud' scoring 20 points.
What is the most popular word for this page?Our database notes that the most popular word in the dictionary where the second letter is 'h' and fourth letter is 'u' is 'should'.