Words that have 'h' as the third letter and 'v' as fourth letter

There are 7 words you can use from the dictionary for this search.

5 letter words

  • jahve

6 letter words

  • yahveh
  • jahveh

7 letter words

  • jahvism
  • jahvist

9 letter words

  • jahvistic

10 letter words

  • ashvamedha

Which word on this page has the largest character count?
The biggest word on this page is 'ashvamedha', and consists of 10 characters

What is an interesting word from this list of words where the third letter is 'h' and fourth letter is 'v'?
The most weird word from this list is 'jahvist'. 'Jahvist''s definition is "See Jehovist, jehovistic. The author of the passages of the Old Testament, esp. Those of the Hexateuch, in which God is styled Yahweh, or Jehovah; the author of the Yahwistic, or Jehovistic, prophetic Document (J); also, the document itself.", according to the dictionary.

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?
Our suggestion for a score of 22 points is to play the word 'jahveh'.

How many viable words can you put together using the specified combination?
All in all, it is feasible to make up to 7 words.