In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible using words that have 'h' as the third letter and 'z' as fifth letter?With a sizeable 111 entries, your best bet is 'schizzo' which scores 30 points overall.
How many characters does the longest word on this page consist of?The longest word on this page is 'schizogenetically'. It has 17 characters.
How many possible words can you make using this list?From this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'h' and 5th letter is 'z', veryceleb has found 111 unique combinations which are possible in total.
Which word from this page is the most interesting?Our team considers 'schizocarp' to be the most weird word you can assemble. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'schizocarp' means "A dry fruit which splits at maturity into several closed one- seeded portions.".