How many characters are in the largest word from this list?'Dimethylanthranilate'
What is the best score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'i' is the 2nd letter and 'm' is the 3rd letter?Given there are a massive 1,378 entries, it's best to select 'zimbabwe' scoring 26 points.
What is an unusual word from this page of words where the second letter is 'i' and third letter is 'm'?You'll notice a handful of interesting words on this page, although our favorite is 'mimotannic'. The dictionary defines it as "Pertaining to, or designating, a variety of tannin or tannic acid found in Acacia, mimosa, etc.".
How many usable words can you make using the combination specified?Altogether, there are exactly 1,378 words.
Which word on this page sticks out as the most common?There's 'him' which ranks as the 32nd most popular word.