Words that have 'j' as the second letter and 'v' as fourth letter

Our database has found 6 entries.

5 letter words

  • ajava
  • ajiva
  • djave
  • njave

6 letter words

  • ajivas

7 letter words

  • ajivika

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?
Using this particular combination, the best word to play is 'ajivika' scoring 21 points in Scrabble.

What is the total number of words one can construct using words where the 2nd letter is 'j' and 4th letter is 'v'?
There are up to a maximum of 6 entries.

Which word in particular from this list has the highest character count?
The biggest word you can assemble from this combination is 'ajivika', which is made up of 7 characters.

What's an interesting word from the word combos available on this page?
One of the most strange words from this page is 'ajava'. 'Ajava''s definition is "See Ajouan.", according to the English dictionary.