Words that have 'j' as the third letter and 'h' as fifth letter

Altogether there are 7 results at hand for words where 'j' is the 3rd letter and 'h' is the 5th letter.

5 letter words

  • rajah

6 letter words

  • rajahs

8 letter words

  • mijnheer

9 letter words

  • apjohnite
  • mijnheerl
  • mijnheers

10 letter words

  • pajahuello

How many words could one make from this list?
From this list of words that have 'j' as the 3rd letter and 'h' as 5th letter, there are 7 combinations which are possible.

Which word on this page ranks as the most common?
Ranking as the 38157th most common word, you'll want to ensure that you have 'mijnheer' in your repertoire.

What's a strange word from all the word combinations possible on this page?
There are many weird words in this list, having said that our favorite is 'rajah'. The definition of 'rajah' is as follows: "A native prince or king; also, a landholder or person of importance in the agricultural districts. [India]". Credit goes to Oxford Dictionary.

How many characters does the longest word on this page contain?
'pajahuello' (10 letters)

In Scrabble, what is the best score you can get using words where 'j' is the 3rd letter and 'h' is the 5th letter?
One could make 'mijnheer' which scores 20 points.